Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

1001 Benefits of Chocolate

You are a chocolate lover? You must have heard the news about chocolate is good for health. But, whether chocolate can be healthy food? Here comes the interesting facts about chocolate.

Chocolate comes from cocoa beans Theobromo fruit trees. These seeds are rich in phytochemicals, especially flavanols. There are no recommended levels of flavanol benefits and how much appears to be content in chocolate that provide potential health benefits. These health benefits of chocolate.

The research on chocolate has evolved over the last 20 years and some of his findings as follows:

A. Can reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension.
2. Can improve insulin sensitivity in healthy adults.
3. Can improve endothelial function, which affects blood flow in the heart.
4. Can lower LDL cholesterol levels.
5. Contain antioxidants that protect against cell damage.
6. Can increase blood flow to the skin and brain.
7 Milk chocolate can help you recover after exercise, this is better than isotonic drinks.

Cocoa in dark chocolate contains more flavanols than white chocolate. However, the wrong treatment can eliminate the flavanols very quickly. When you look at the label the percentage of chocolate, it refers to cocoa solids it contains. The higher the number, the darker the chocolate, and a little sugar it contains.

Chocolate does contain sugar and fat to boost calories. Such as food, you need to balance your caloric intake with expenditure. Chocolate will not raise your cholesterol, as previously thought. Although one of the main fat in chocolate is saturated fat, but lots of stearic acid that does not raise cholesterol levels.

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