Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Honey Child Can Stop Cough

Parents today do not have many safe options to treat the flu and cough in their children. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that cough medicines do not work and flu for children aged 6 years and under and may pose a risk.

In the new study, a total of 270 children aged 1 to 5 years old with nighttime cough from a cold to receive one of three types of honey or non-liquid flavors of honey flavor and consistency given 30 minutes before bedtime. Parents completed a questionnaire about their child's cough at night before the study began and the night after their children were treated.

The children received two teaspoons of honey species of eucalyptus, lemon honey, honey labiatae, 30 minutes before bedtime. Children who received honey, the cough became more rare, is not so severe, and slept pretty well because of the reduced intensity of cough.

However, there are some caveats. Honey is not suitable for children aged less than one year because they are at risk of infant botulism, a condition baby muscle weakness and can cause serious illness.

"Never give honey to children under the age of one year," said Alan Rosenbloom, MD, a pediatrician from Baldwin, NY

Honey does not cure coughs and flu as well as your child, but this could be a good choice and a natural rather than chemical drugs.

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